Laporkan temuan Anda apabila terdapat indikasi pelanggaran dalam pembangunan Ibu Kota Nusantara
JAKARTA – To accelerate the development towards becoming Indonesia's political capital by 2028, the Nusantara Capital Authority (NCA) held a Market Sounding event for Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Housing Projects on Monday, February 24th, 2025.
This event is part of the preparation phase for NCA's PPP projects. It was conducted following Minister of National Development Planning Regulation No. 6/2022 and President Prabowo's directive to increase private sector involvement in infrastructure development, particularly in Nusantara.
The primary objective of this event is to provide insights into the Nusantara Housing PPP Projects for business actors, investors, and financial institutions/creditors. This initiative aims to meet the housing needs in IKN through the PPP scheme, as stipulated in Government Regulation No. 17/2022 on Funding and Budget Management for the Preparation, Development, and Relocation of the National Capital, as well as the Administration of the Special Regional Government of the National Capital.
Chairman of NCA, Basuki Hadimuljono, stated that to support the private investment development, the government is currently preparing the construction of roads and a Multi-Utility Tunnel (MUT) using state budget (APBN) funding.
“Several Nusantara development schemes will commence in 2025. First, through the state budget (APBN), which we are currently tendering. We are also constructing roads and the MUT, particularly in zone 1B and zone 1C, to serve investors who will carry out construction, and some investors have already conducted groundbreaking ceremonies," said Basuki.
To this, the Deputy for Funding and Investment of NCA, Agung Wicaksono, added, "Currently, for road and MUT construction, there are three Letters to Proceed (LtP), showcasing the role of the private sector in building basic infrastructure. Two LtPs were issued to foreign consortiums, and one was granted to two state-owned enterprises (BUMN). Additionally, six LtPs have been issued for housing construction, with two awarded to foreign consortiums, three to national private companies, and one to a state-owned enterprise (BUMN)."
During the event, the NCA also handed over an LtP to the consortium of PT Nindya Karya, PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero), and PT Adhi Karya (Persero) Tbk. This LtP handover marks the progress in the investment phase, providing opportunities for business actors to conduct feasibility studies and initial preparations for MUT and road construction.
Furthermore, the event aims to gather inputs and feedbacks from stakeholders regarding the project implementation, and to explore interests from business actors, investors, and financial institutions or creditors in the project.
This Market Sounding event serves as the initial step in preparing market participants before entering the project's transaction phase, which is scheduled on the first semester of 2025. The NCA hopes for active participation from all stakeholders to boost investment figures and realize the Nusantara's Housing PPP Projects.
(Monday, 2 4th February 2025)
Source: Public Relations of Nusantara Capital Authority
Laporkan temuan Anda apabila terdapat indikasi pelanggaran dalam pembangunan Ibu Kota Nusantara