Participating in Trade Expo Indonesia 2023, Nusantara-Assisted SMEs are Ready to Enter the Retail and Export Markets

TANGERANG – Five Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) assisted by the Nusantara Capital Authority (NCA) took part in the Trade Expo Indonesia (TEI) 2023 exhibition on October 18th, 2023 to October 22nd, 2023 at the Indonesia Convention Exhibition (ICE) BSD, Tangerang, Banten.

The five SMEs are the result of curation by looking at indicators of readiness for business permits, distribution permits, halal certification, product quality and production capacity of 417 SMEs assisted by NCA which are supported by the BIG Indonesia Foundation in the Product Development Assistance program for SMEs assisted by NCA Partners. The products on display include Coconut Fiber Crafts from Penajam District, Processed Brown Sugar from Penajam District, Processed Amplang Sepaku from Sepaku District, Banana Chip Snacks from Babulu District, and Pepper Products from Sepaku District.

The Chairman of NCA, Bambang Susantono, is optimistic about the presence of NCA-assisted SMEs at TEI 2023. Because, according to him, Nusantara is one of the cornerstones of the Nusantara's economy, and even in the future Indonesia must be assisted and accompanied in order to increase the quality, quantity, and export opportunities.

"I think we should be able to continue events like this, so that later Nusantara can become one of Indonesia's export centers," added the Chairman of NCA, Bambang Susantono when met at the Nusantara booth with the BIG Indonesia Foundation at TEI 2023 on Sunday (22/10/2023) .

Chairman of the BIG Indonesia Foundation, Dwi Andayani, explained that the participation of SMEs assisted by Nusantara in TEI 2023 is to provide literacy and knowledge to business actors regarding the quality of products that can enter the global market. "The hope is that SMEs around Nusantara will be motivated to improve the quality of their products so they can compete in the global market," she said.

The plan is that the Nusantara-assisted SME products which will be exhibited for five days at TEI 2023 will be exported to three countries, namely Malaysia, Singapore, and Philippines. This was conveyed by the COO of PT Jagoan Export Import Wisnu Wiraatmadja Effendi.

"SMEs attending this exhibition will be a priority for penetrating the export market with a strategy that has been prepared in such a way that their products are quickly accepted by the global market with initial target markets in neighboring countries, namely Malaysia, Singapore, and Philippines," explained Vishnu.

Vishnu added that these three countries were chosen as initial targets because apart from the relatively close distance, there are similarities in people's tastes and the market availability is quite large for the products being offered.

One of the owners of SMEs assisted by Nusantara, Okananti, expressed her gratitude for the guidance provided. The owner of the amplang processing business "Jo Noleh" expressed her pride and gratitude because her processed products could be known to many people.

“I'm really proud to be able to participate in this exhibition. Previously my products were only sold around Sepaku, but now they can reach outside the city, even abroad," she said.

Previously, 5 business actors who took part in the 2023 TEI Exhibition were also assisted in creating e-catalogs and rebranding packaging so that they met standards and were able to compete in the global market. Besides that, there are 35 other Nusantara-assisted SMEs that were given capital without collateral by Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI).



(Monday , October 23rd    2023)


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Source :Nusantara Capital Authority Public Relations

12 Desember 2023

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