Laporkan temuan Anda apabila terdapat indikasi pelanggaran dalam pembangunan Ibu Kota Nusantara
NUSANTARA – Chairman of Nusantara Capital Authority (NCA/Otorita Ibu Kota Nusantara) Basuki Hadimuljono opens Nusantara International Partners Visit (NIPV) 2025 at Nusantara on 13th-14th February 2025. This event was held for the purpose of showcasing the progress of Nusantara Capital Authority (Nusantara/IKN) development and also to declare Nusantara Capital Authority’s commitment in realizing the development of Nusantara that consist of physical and non-physical development.
“I would like to say my gratitude and my highest appreciation to the government of Australia, Netherlands, Spain, Great Britain, Asian Development Bank (ADB), for your contribution in developing a sustainable city at Nusantara,” says Basuki in his speech, Thursday (13/02/2025).
Basuki explains that Nusantara development is divided into five stages until the year of 2045. The first stage began since 2022 until 2024, and now it is entering the second stage. In the first stage the government has prepared a number of government buildings and offices, basic infrastructure, and it’s ecosystem.
In this moment Basuki reaffirms the commitment of Indonesia government to continuing the development of Nusantara. “The second stage of Nusantara development still continues. President Prabowo personally told me to finish the KIPP (Government Core Area), especially the ecosystem of judicial and legislative area in 2028,” says Basuki.
In that occasion, Chairman of Nusantara Capital Authority gave three documents in effort of environmental preservation in Nusantara composed jointly with ADB to the partners. As for the names of those three documents are “Nusantara Reforestation Plan”, “Environmental Status of Nusantara”, and “Species and Habitat Management Plan.”
(Thursday, 13th February 2025)
Source: Public Relations of Nusantara Capital Authority
Laporkan temuan Anda apabila terdapat indikasi pelanggaran dalam pembangunan Ibu Kota Nusantara