Laporkan temuan Anda apabila terdapat indikasi pelanggaran dalam pembangunan Ibu Kota Nusantara
BALIKPAPAN – The development ofNusantara is based on the principle of low carbon emissions where NNC is committed to becoming a carbon neutral city by 2045. In line with the development of a forest city, it is necessary to control illegal mining activities in theNusantara area. In order to accelerate the control of illegal mining, the Head of the Nusantara Capital Authority formed a Task Force to prevent and control illegal mining in theNusantara area. The task force consists of elements from the East Kalimantan Regional Police, the VI Mulawarman Regional Military Command, the Balikpapan Navy Lanal, the East Kalimantan High Prosecutor's Office, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, the East Kalimantan Provincial Forestry Service along with the UPTD Bukit Suharto Grand Forest Park, the East Kalimantan Energy and Mineral Resources Service and the Nusantara National Capital Authority.
On Tuesday (5/9/2023), the Task Force held its first coordination meeting which, among other things, discussed work plan, including prevention and action. Deputy for Environment and Natural Resources of theNCA Authority, Myrna A. Safitri, when was opening the meeting said, "The development ofNusantara requires a new perspective to make corrections to the governance of the environment and natural resources. This task force is intended to strengthen efforts to prevent and combat illegal mining in the NNC area.”
The commitment to support the Task Force's work agenda was conveyed firmly by representatives of law enforcement agencies and officials who attended the meeting. "We are happy and support this Task Force. We have been waiting for this for a long time because of the large number of illegal mining in our working area,” said Forestry Police Eko Wibowo representing the Head of UPTD Tahura Bukit Suharto. For information, Tahura is a conservation area which is entirely included in the Nusantara area.
The formation of the Task Force was based on an agreement between agency and law enforcement at the previous coordination meeting that was held on May 26th, 2023.
NCA's Director of Environment and Disaster Management, Onesimus Patiung, added that another thing that needs collective thinking is the environmental restoration that must be carried out as a result of this illegal mining activity. In parallel with efforts to control illegal mining, NNCA with the support of universities have been preparing guidelines for implementing reclamation and post-mining.
(Tuesday, September 5th 2023)
Photo Documentation
Sourcer:Nusantara Capital Authority Public Relations
Laporkan temuan Anda apabila terdapat indikasi pelanggaran dalam pembangunan Ibu Kota Nusantara