In 1957, President Soekarno suggested the country's capital city should be moved to Palangka Raya, during the city's officiation event as the capital of Central Kalimantan province.
Source: Arsip Nasional RI (Indonesian National Archives)
In 1997, President Soeharto issued Presidential Decree (Keppres) No. 1/1997 on the Coordination for the Development of the region of Jonggol as an Independent City, intended to become a center of government.
Source: Arsip Nasional RI (Indonesian National Archives)
In 2013, President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono suggested two scenarios which either allowed Jakarta to retain its Capital City status – on the condition that future construction and planning would have to be done rigorously and long term – or move the center of the Indonesian government outside of Jakarta altogether.
Source: Arsip Nasional RI (Indonesian National Archives)
"On this momentous occasion, with the blessing of Allah SWT and the blessings of every respected member [of the DPD, DPR and MPR], the elder statesmen, and the national figures of this great country, I ask for your permission and approval to officially move Indonesia's capital city from Jakarta to the island of Kalimantan".
Speech delivered during the People's Consultative Assembly's (MPR) Annual Assembly and the House of Representatives (DPR) and Regional Representatives Council (DPD) Joint Assembly, 16 August 2019.
Periode 10 Maret 2022 - 3 Juni 2024
"The construction of a new city is more than just building its physical features. It is also about designing it in a way that promotes social cohesion and ensuring its residents live comfortably, fairly, and ideally. We hope the public can support us in helping fulfil Nusantara's vision as an inclusive, green, and sustainable city for everyone,"
Speech delivered during a Press Statement on the Nusantara Capital Authority Head and Deputy Head Inauguration Ceremony at the State Palace, Jakarta, 10 March 2022.
“The New National Capital City project (IKN) will not only accommodate our domestic progress but also our global progress. The IKN will also integrate Indonesia's vast cultures because the gravity of our national culture will be pulled together within our capital city. By moving the capital city, we are closer to fulfill the goals outlined in the Indonesia 2045 Vision statement while also celebrating the centennial anniversary of our nation's independence".
Speech delivered during the Press Conference for the Presidential Letter's Submission Regarding the IKN Law at the MPR Headquarters, 29 September 2021.
Periode 23 Oktober 2019 – 20 Oktober 2024
"We want to create a smart, modern city that fulfills international standards and become an icon of urban design as a way of representing how far our nation has progressed in terms of development".
Speech delivered during the Public Lecture for the New Students of the Graduate Program at the Faculty of Engineering at Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, 27 August 2019.
“Relocating our capital city is important because it reflects the need for equitable development across the country, pulling away from the Jakarta-centric and Java-centric approaches of now. Furthermore, a new capital city is needed to establish to a balance between the ideals of national progress, good judgment and the country's financial capacities".
Speech delivered during the House of Representatives' Financial Council working meeting, 31 May 2021.
"We all support the grand vision of making the Nusantara a center of government and national progress. This capital is expected to become a hub of Nusantara civilization, producing policies that advance Indonesia's economy and improve the welfare of its people. We are committed to overseeing and ensuring the achievement of this target so that it truly becomes a reality."
Statement made during the Press Conference on the visit to Nusantara Capital on February 28th, 2024.
"We will make sure that the new capital city will always be a 'green' city, so as to not disturb any conservation areas or local wildlife as well as maintaining the existing greenery of the region. This is necessary in order to foster the concept of a green and smart city".
Speech delivered at Penajam Paser Utara, East Kalimantan, 4 April 2021.
The First PresidentSoeharto
The Second PresidentSusilo Bambang Yudhoyono
The 6th PresidentJoko Widodo
The 7th and CurrentBambang Susantono
Head of the NusantaraPeriode 10 Maret 2022 - 3 Juni 2024
Suharso Monoarfa
Minister of National DevelopmentBasuki Hadimuljono
Minister of PublicPeriode 23 Oktober 2019 – 20 Oktober 2024
Sri Mulyani Indrawati
Minister of FinanceAgus Harimurti Yudhoyono
Minister of Agrarian and Spatial Planning/Siti Nurbaya Bakar
Minister of ForestryPresiden RI Prabowo Subianto secara resmi melantik M. Basuki Hadimuljono sebagai Kepala Otorita Ibu Kota Nusantara (IKN). Acara pelantikan digelar di Istana Negara, Jakarta Pusat, Selasa (5/11/2024). Pelantikan ini sebagai bentuk keberlanjutan pembangunan IKN sebagai kota masa depan.
Nusantara Capital City's Online Single Submission (OSS) system offers greater convenience and service to the public and business operators seeking business permits in Nusantara.
For business actors who need to enter company data to obtain a Business Identification Number (NIB) or to register for a business or operational/commercial license and fulfill commitments in the OSS system, please follow the guidelines and register directly on the system.
Download the complete licensing guidelines document to get more detailed information about obtaining licenses in Nusantara.
“We hope that the capital city project provides positive opportunities that can benefit all parties"
- Resident of Balikpapan
“By moving the capital city to East Kalimantan, we hope that the children of Samarinda would become more creative, optimistic and have a greater desire to learn"
- Resident of Samarinda
“We hope that the capital city project provides positive opportunities that can benefit all parties"
- Resident of Balikpapan
“I hope that the new capital city becomes a lively, well-designed, well-arranged place so that many more people can recognize it"
- Resident of Tenggarong
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